Sarah Sargent


The resilience will not be tel

Chroma Projects Director Deborah McLeod has been keeping a unique holiday tradition for the past several years....

Kites bring attention to locally detained migrant...

In Latin America, kites are serious business, flown, depending on region, on Easter and the Day of the Dead. They’re...

Act locally

This spring, just as people were grappling with the new normal of living in a pandemic, George Floyd’s homicide threw...

Bright explorations

A Renaissance man as well as a Renaissance scholar, David Summers uses his vast knowledge to explore light physically...

Change agents

Walking into Beatrix Ost’s “Illuminations & Illusions,” now on view at Second Street Gallery, I was immediately...

Inspired recollections

A professor of printmaking at UVA, where he has taught since 1985, Dean Dass began painting 20 years ago, with the...

Inner realities

Winter gray getting you down? Les Yeux du Monde offers a potent dose of Southwestern heat in the form of paintings by...

Annie Harris Massie invites contemplation at Les Yeux du...

“No matter what her subject, whether it’s her own yard, landscapes, or those magnified close ups of the viburnum or...

Small gathering

Second Street Gallery begins its 45th year with “Teeny Tiny Trifecta,” a group exhibition in the Dové Gallery...


With “Expressions in Black and White” at Les Yeux du Monde, gallery director Lyn Warren brings together four artists...