Sarah Lawson


Guest work

What if there was a farm league for artists? This is one of the central questions raised by a new program for...

Marquee moments

The popcorn machine remains silent and the box office window is still tightly closed, but signs of life are returning...

The light of the Moog

Travis Thatcher wants you to dance. Not to Top 40, dubstep, salsa or hip-hop. Not to bluegrass or trance or even...

Picture this

One of the telltale signs of summer in Charlottesville is already visible high above the bricks of the Downtown Mall....

More than facts

“The thing about working for the encyclopedia is that you’re just surrounded by stories all the time. I never get...

Velázquez to Picasso

“The landscape around my Charlottesville home is remarkably like that of Oaxaca, Mexico,” muses Charlottesville-based...

Family bonding

We all have moms and some of you out there are even mothers yourself. So, it makes sense that we celebrate moms, if...


“I take broken things and fix them,” explained Gram Slaton. This conjures images of fixer-upper houses or rusted-out...

New in town

The word home means different things to different people: A physical place you share with family and friends. A...

Joy ride

The creative process requires commitment to an idea, openness to feedback, repeated attempts (a failure or two) and...