Caite Hamilton


May 2009: What's New

Belt it out with these season's best extra

We’d like to thank the Brickademy…

You may not believe it, but you’ll be pretty happy for us anyway. Trust.

May 2009: Instant Decorator

Easy decoupage to transform a table

Council voices approval, snubs Brick Watch

Last night, as we said they would, City Council met to review the Mall rebricking project. Here’s what we came away...

Day 116: This is the end

The project is coming to a close and, thus, Brick Watch must say goodbye.

Day 115

Can it be that it was all so simple then? Or has time rewritten every bricked line?

Day 114: Dance, monkey! Dance!

Now we’re gonna do a dance. A happy dance, if you will. …And yes, you will.


C-VILLE staff sifted through a long list of names, ranked the top five local power players in the realms of food,...

Media General announces new director and share prices...

It was blue skies at the annual shareholders meeting of Media General, the publishing company that owns the Richmond...