Caite Hamilton


August 2009: Comfort To Go

What's in Tavia Brown's overnight bag?

August 2009: One Last Look

Professional Organizer Peggy Woodall lets us into her closet

Best Marmaduke

Tyrone, the Great Dane of the Downtown Mall

Best mammal

PETA protester on the Downtown Mall

Six exclusive Best of 2009 videos

Dan Epstein, Robin Truxel, Pen Park and more!


Does this really need an introduction?

July 2009: Instant Decorator

Cast shadows in the shape of your choice

June 2009: Instant Decorator

Make a mark with chalkboard paint

Mayor rededicates Downtown Mall; Brick Watch in attendance

Still no public recognition for Brick Watch, but that’s OK. Friday wasn’t about us – it was about our beautiful Mall.