Nikuyah Walker


Racist threat reverberates

As thousands were celebrating literature at the Virginia Festival of the Book in Charlottesville, a less-exalted...

In brief

Where’s Red Beard—and Sunglasses? Although four people have been convicted in the August 12 assault of DeAndre Harris...

Takeout equity

Affordable housing is a priority for Charlottesville, and to pay for that in its $188 million budget, the city...

Words hurt

The complaint in front of City Council February 4 was pretty extraordinary: “Chief [RaShall] Brackney came out of...

In brief

Dead or alive Virginia’s General Assembly has been hard at it for three weeks now, tackling the 2,000 or so bills...

Beyond the statues

By Jonathan Haynes City Councilor Wes Bellamy sat down for a revelatory interview at the Jefferson School African...


The word “civility” has become a bad word among some Charlottesvillians. Now a proposed tourism ad campaign touting...

About last year

By Lisa Provence and Samantha Baars Most of the biggest stories we followed this year were fallout from 2017: both...

In brief

Perriello’s Sierra Leone rescue A desperate mother needed to get her 5-year-old daughter out of Sierra Leone in 2003,...

Staying downtown

After a couple of years of contention over Albemarle County’s threat to move its courts from downtown Charlottesville...