Jalane Schmidt


‘Martial law’

The August 12 weekend passed with no loss of life or serious injury, but many Charlottesville residents were not...

Pilgrims’ report

A month ago, around 100 locals set off on two buses to Montgomery, Alabama, carrying soil from the site where John...

Etched in memory

A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey that, with its elements of symbolism, ritual and enlightenment, seems almost...

Journey begins

About 50 people gathered in the woods beside the train tracks running west of Charlottesville early July 7. The...

Power Issue

What a difference a year makes. Charlottesville underwent a seismic shift shortly after we published last summer’s...

Confronting a shameful past

As big a role as history plays in Charlottesville’s identity, some events, like an 1898 lynching, were pretty much...

In brief

Hall of fame It’s never the right time to say goodbye, but loyal patrons of the University of Virginia’s iconic,...


The lynching of John Henry James in Albemarle in 1898 for allegedly assaulting a white woman was both horrific—and...

Climate change

The second City Council meeting of the new year on January 16 was markedly different from council meetings of the...

In brief

  They said they’d be back UVA alumni/white nationalist Richard Spencer, who was maced by police the last time he was...