Home & Design


Fire pits add style and...

Average high temperatures in Charlottesville don’t dip below 50 until well into December. So what do you need to...

Down by the river

We don’t know about you, but when we hear the not-too-charming term “condo,” we tend to conjure images of dwellings...

The light touch

Designer Wendi Smith found not just good but excellent bones to start with when she tackled a recent kitchen redo....

Lean & green

When one Charlottesville couple started building a house in December 2014, they had a front-row seat to the...

Home, made easier

If homes aren’t getting more high tech around Charlottesville, they’re at least getting more connected, according to...

Living in the past at a...

Every place has a history, but the past at some homes looms especially large. In Albemarle County, the name Kluge is...

Art at home

As the curator for the Fralin Museum of Art, Rebecca Schoenthal is responsible for creating exhibitions for the...

City style

Until moving back to Charlottesville two years ago, designer Alexandra Bracey spent most of her life—professional and...

Death of the architect

Architects face an uncertain time. On one hand, we are in the fading era of famous designers, the “starchitects” who...


Time was, when students at Charlottesville Catholic School wanted to do a science experiment, they’d have to contend...