Digital Media


Film review: The Master

With all the hype and brouhaha surrounding the release of The Master, it’s easy to overlook one important...

TV previews

Friday 10pm, TLC The televised dating show arguably peaked with “Joe Millionaire.” In case you forgot, that glorious...

Film review: Finding Nemo 3D

The 3D re-release of Pixar’s 2003 undersea saga may or may not be a bid from director Andrew Stanton to make back...

ARTS Pick: Blues Control

Life in a big city is taxing in ways you don’t even notice, and sometimes the only sensible thing to do is disappear...

Film review: Lawless

With more precision and presence of mind, Lawless might have pitched itself as an origin story of the whole...

ARTS Pick: The Battle of Chile

Half a decade of global cold war left us with no lack of dramatic subjects for documentaries. To wit, on September 11...

TV previews

“Robot Chicken DC Comics Special” Sunday midnight, Adult Swim Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice, a bunch of nerds and...

Film review

When you’re young and in love, “forever” is a word you dare to carve in tree trunks or wedding cakes. Getting older,...

TV Previews

 Race to the bottom “Abby & Brittany”  Tuesday 10pm, TLC There is a growing sentiment that TLC—which originally...

TV previews

“Face Off” Tuesday 9pm, SyFy SyFy’s cinematic make-up competition returns for Season 3, just a scant five months...