

C-VILLE Family, er, Village is on stands now!

Naming your kid is a pretty big deal. If, as they grow up, you look at them and think, “Well, you’re not a D’Artagnan...

Screen time

Whether you’ve allowed your kids to have their own mobile device or you’re still deciding if you should, they’ve...

In tune

Charlottesville Chamber Music Festival founders, Juilliard School graduates, members of Dave Matthews Band…scroll...

Kids at heart

Urban legend goes like this: Chefs cook so much on the job, they eat simple stuff when they’re cooking at home. But...

A whole new world

By the time Priya Mahadevan’s youngest daughter was 5 years old, Mahadevan had completed drafts for six children’s...

To help or not to help

It’s Thursday at 9:45pm, and your child is crying. They have a big project due, oh, tomorrow. They have no outline,...

Rock on! A local drummer delivers the hits

Penny Shuster started playing the drums in fifth grade, with the snare in her school band. But she made the switch to...

C-VILLE Family: On stands now!

Welcome to C-VILLE Family (formerly C-VILLE Kids). Things might look a little different around here (we’ve made a few...

Adventure time! Family-friendly ways to heat up your...

What are you and your kids up to this summer? Registration for camps and other programs have been open since the...

Life lessons

Teens these days don’t have it easy—at least when it comes to getting a driver’s license. Kids under the age of 19...