Senlin Means


This way out

Or, how can I end 2006 in three places at once when I'm not anywhere at all?

Infinite Jest

By David Foster Wallace Back Bay Books, 1104 pages

Woman on the verge?

Sarah White has the chops to be an important musician. Does she have the ambition?

Smells like Old Spice

Or, getting it on with the Greatest Generation

Laugh, according to creed

Larry The Cable Guy and the politics of comedy

Returns of the natives

Counting votes with the party faithful

Faster Than The Speed Of Film

When you're making a movie from scratch in 72 hours, sleep is for the weak: Inside the Virginia Film Festival's...

Quick-change artist

Film director Jeff Wadlow believes in life in the fast lane

Follow the leaders

Or, how I learned to stop worrying and party like it's 1781