

Day Three Photos

No wacky hats or celebs, but this should give you a sense of how I spent my time.

Live from the Lounge (and Floor)

I’m still down in the blogger area — the hall itself is so packed, they’re turning people away.

Ye Roll Call

Well, that was dramatic. I just stepped out of the roll call where Hillary stopped the proceedings and released her...

The Vibe on Hillary

I’ve been keeping my eyes open for the much-ballyhooed Bitter Hillary Supporters

A Delegate From Pittsburgh

While moving through the security line yesterday, which was considerably longer than the day before, I struck up a...

Day Two Photos

Here for your enjoyment are some snapshots from yesterday at Pepsi Center.

On the Floor With the Virginia Delegates

I made it down to the convention floor this afternoon in search of the Old Dominion contingent

Protesters? What Protesters?

Even for someone with a media pass, getting close to Pepsi Center was a challenge.

Chat With a Volunteer

Some of the best conversations I’ve had here have taken place on the light rail train going to and from downtown.

Close Encounters

I walked out of Pepsi Center alongside Al Franken last night