

Rodney Thomas and Duane Snow win GOP noms for Board of...

After eating a potluck dinner under a shelter in McIntire Park, more than 70 county residents picked Duane Snow to...

Conservatives wake up for Albemarle Supervisors races

On a wet and chilly night, last Tuesday, county Republican chair Christian Schoenewald stood just outside the...

Could Crozet Elementary be reborn as an arts academy?

Unused building already slated to become Field School’s new home

Madison Cummings wins Democratic nom for Samuel Miller...

For the last 15 years, the seat has been occupied by Sally Thomas who decided not to seek re-election.

Dave Norris decisive in Democratic candidates forum

The Mayor set himself apart with his comments on the Meadowcreek Parkway. “I don’t see what the city gets from this...

City Councilor argues IMPACT ignores complexities

Masses extract promises from leaders