David Riedel


The best movies of 2013! Yowza!

Each year when I put together a list of the best movies—whether for work or for fun—it usually doesn’t take much...

Film review

Out of the Furnace is so dark, gritty, and earnest, it’s a wonder it was made in a film world where irony rules. The...

Film reviews

It’s December, and that means the awards-fodder movies are out. And guess what. Some of them are good! Here’s a list...

Film review

A quick rack of the brain and I come to this conclusion: I cannot remember a major, big budget action film that is at...

Film review

Fourteen years is a long time between chapters in a movie. Think about all the sequels, prequels, and bologna that...

Film review: Thor

Mere mortals, just who is Thor? Norse god? Superhero created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby? Bastard...

Film review

Robert Redford has long been one of our greatest movie stars. He’s never been one of our greatest actors. For every...

Film review

Following a screening of The Counselor, one critic said: “It’s nasty film. Very well made…if that’s what you’re into...

Film review

The early reviews for Machete Kills have largely been unkind, and the big gripe appears to be that Machete Kills is...

Film review

Sometimes when watching a movie that’s emotionally distressing, one has to ask, “Just how much pain can we watch...