Brielle Entzminger


Beauty for all

Cosmetologist wants to open a spa for other disabled people

(Not) reaching out

Community members express concerns over police chief survey, outreach process

Intergenerational ties

JABA’s preschool program forges friendships between young and old

Take a whack

While ax throwing has grown increasingly popular in recent years, it has long been part of the world of lumbersports....

Peer support

After having multiple traumatic experiences with the local mental health care system, activist Myra Anderson founded...

Gardens galore

In honor of her late husband Ray “Junior” Arroyo, who loved to garden, local resident Terri Arroyo teamed up with her...

Work it

Elite Empire empowers young women through hip-hop majorette dance

Union woes

City bus drivers express concern over proposed collective bargaining ordinance

Looking back

New UVA exhibit shows student resistance during Unite the Right rally

‘He is very sorrowful’

City takes no action against employee who participated in Capitol insurrection