Kathy Galvin


Affordable housing remedies...

City Council is forging ahead with a multi-pronged attempt to stymie the affordable housing crisis in Charlottesville...

Still resisting, mayor...

On the heels of President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement Accord, Mayor Mike Signer...

Now what? City Council...

Last month’s City Council vote on a motion to remove the statue of General Robert E. Lee deadlocked 2-2 and left the...

Council chaos

Charlottesville’s confrontation with its slave-owning past has resulted in difficult discussions since Vice-Mayor Wes...

Parking garage ‘soap opera’...

Mayor Mike Signer and City Councilor Kathy Galvin insist there is nothing personal in the city’s dispute with Mark...

City Council adopts gun...

Gun control debate dominated the June 20 Charlottesville City Council meeting as members of opposing sides of the...

Council split on Lee Park...

City Council heard from around three dozen people at its marathon five-hour April 18 hearing on the statue of General...

Delayed extension

Exactly one year ago, Water Street Extended was expected to open by the end of the year. Twelve months later, city...