IX Art Park



Feast your eyes on some of Charlottesville’s most spectacular performance art when CIRCIX comes to town. There will...


Everyone knows that girls rule and boys…well, boys, too, will be wildly entertained by The Sally Rose Band and Erin...

ARTS Pick: New Boss

With toe-tapping, head-bobbing songs about vegetarianism, the apocalypse and everything in-between, local music...

‘Cville Galaxy’ challenges...

According to Guinness World Records, the world’s largest cardboard sculpture, a massive 33′ x 33′ cardboard castle...

ARTS Pick: Mighty Joshua

Through a fast-flowing, modern take on reggae, Richmond’s Mighty Joshua makes magical connections with his audience....

Best of C-VILLE party...

Happy birthday, Best of C-VILLE! We’re 20 years in, and there’s a lot to celebrate: the best people, places and...

Locals come together to...

Say you’re a woman walking alone down a street and you hear the all-too-familiar sound of a man’s catcall. What do...