government and courts



In her most recent court appearance, a judge dropped an assault charge against activist Veronica Fitzhugh after her...

Gubernatorial grandson

During a preliminary hearing in which the alleged victim burst into tears and ran out of the courtroom, a judge...

Obstruction cases

In the never-ending string of court cases stemming from this year’s run-ins with white supremacists and neo-Nazis, 15...

Not guilty

Updated Tuesday, October 24 at 3pm with a second story about court appearances on Monday, October 23.   Even months...

2017 Election Guide

Every year is an election year in Virginia, and in anticipation of your trip to the voting booth November 7, we bring...

Another bad day for Kessler

Perhaps you’ve heard by now that homegrown white nationalist Jason Kessler was indicted by a grand jury for perjury...

‘Trash bags’ can stay

In the case of whether the city’s longstanding General Robert E. Lee statue should remain on its feet, a judge ruled...

Meme-able Magill

During the August weekend that scarred Charlottesville, one man was in the thick of the major events, and became both...

JADE wannabe

A federal judge raised questions about an Albemarle police officer’s unprecedented late-night search of two...

Life sentence

The man who pleaded guilty in June to killing special education teacher Robin Aldridge and her daughter, Mani, will...