

Educational opportunities

A peek inside Charlottesville’s alternative education programs

Up to standards?

Virginia education department proposes new history standards

Quick change artists

By Virginia Daugherty “We teachers stay in touch and try to keep up our morale.”  “Children aren’t meant to sit in...

Expanding technical education

Each time Stephanie Carter searches for a skilled tradesperson to repair or rebuild something in her home, she’s...

Little wonder

Jessica Maslaney remembers trying to navigate the complex maze of child care options before her first child was born....

Telling all the stories

In 2010, Charlene Green, now head of Charlottesville’s Office of Human Rights, was directing the city’s first...

Co-op travails

Faced with a recent decline in enrollment, the city’s first co-operative preschool, which has operated for more than...

Tough talks

Charlottesville City Schools has opened up a dialogue on racial disparities in its schools, with a survey to parents...

Heat advisory

A year and a half after 16-year-old Patrick Clancy was hospitalized following a soccer practice on a blistering July...

Getting schooled

Science class was in session at the October 25 Albemarle County School Board meeting, when board member Jason Buyaki...