David Toscano


Landes’ surprise

Albemarle hates it and Charlottesville loves it. But neither jurisdiction saw Delegate Steve Landes’ budget amendment...

Legal opinion

Virginia voters will notice two constitutional amendments on the ballot in November, and given past history, they’ll...

Winners and losers

Legislators in Richmond ended the General Assembly session one day early after passing a record $105 billion biennial...

Make the General Assembly...

February 16 marked crossover, when each house in the General Assembly sends its bills to the other body. From the...

Toscano resigns,...

Delegate David Toscano made two surprise announcements within two days. On November 12, he sent an e-mail to the...

UPDATED- Mass murder in Americ

The slaughter of unarmed people has become a regular feature of American life. Relatively unknown Umpqua Community...