Albemarle County Public Schools


In brief

A look at Foxfield through the eyes of CARS, and more

Penciled in

ACPS School Board approves redistricting and new elementary school site

‘The right to safety’

Albemarle School Board adopts transgender students policy

New view?

Albemarle parents upset about fifth graders being transferred to middle school

Rough road

School bus drivers feel the strain of the pandemic

Hard decisions

Beginning next month, Albemarle County Public Schools will bring kindergarten through third grade students back to...

In brief

Defunders keep fighting “Does abolition really mean ending the police? Yes.” So said community organizer Ang Conn, as...

In brief

Pipeline pushback In June, environmental activists celebrated as Dominion Energy canceled the Atlantic Coast Pipeline...

Class in session

After months of debate, the Albemarle County School Board decided in July to hold the first nine weeks of classes...

Digging for truth

For many people, Shenandoah National Park is a great place to hike, camp, bike, and explore. But now, Albemarle’s...