civil rights


PICK: Sweet Honey in the Rock

Solidarity in song: Raising voices and raising awareness since 1973, Sweet Honey in the Rock is an African American a...

Gaston’s history

When Paul Gaston came to the University of Virginia in 1957, it was overwhelmingly white and male, and segregation...

Dan Rather talks civil...

Baby boomers grew up with news correspondent Dan Rather covering the civil rights movement, the assassination of...

It’s Eugene Williams Day

Charlottesville’s legendary civil rights leader turned 90 November 6, and Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy presented him with a...

Taking a stand

The first thing Steve Rubin heard was not the wailing sirens of a fire truck, but the shouts of his house guest,...

American hero

After Muhammad Ali moved to a farm in Nelson County in 1982, it wasn’t that unusual to spot him on the Downtown Mall,...

‘Citizen Lane’ dies at 89

If a major event happened during the 20th century, attorney and civil rights legend Mark Lane likely was there. The...