Thoroughly Vetted


The vision thing

Centuries of domestic breeding have resulted in cats and dogs that come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and...

Nailed it

The poor dog hobbles in with her front paw dangling off the ground, swaddled in a sock drenched in blood. It was all...

Thoroughly Vetted

It’s a rare week that I don’t see at least one dog or cat with Toxocara, commonly referred to as roundworm. It’s...

The tangled reality of...

I’ve always been a sound sleeper. Garbage trucks? Thunderstorms? Please. But the low, glugging sound of my cat...

Scooby deux

It was a trivial bit of celebrity news, but it evoked conversations I’ve had with clients in the past, and probably...

Thoroughly Vetted

So you’ve got a happy new puppy scampering around the house, and all the joy that goes with him. Your days are...

Thoroughly Vetted

My client is in tears as she carries her standard poodle into the lobby. There was no appointment because the problem...

Thoroughly Vetted

From hookworm to heartworm, our pets can shelter no shortage of creepy crawly horrors. But few are as renowned as the...

Using DNA to test your...

She’s such a delightful dog, and you were lucky to find her at the shelter that day. But what exactly is she? Her...

Generation gap

My patient, a 12-year-old Labrador, is showing his age. Arthritis has settled into those old bones, and he’s not as...