

Winery spotlight

Back when I had a side hustle as a winery tour driver, customers sometimes asked me to choose our next place to visit...

Out and about

Get your goat Next Tuesday Caromont Farm, the craft goat-cheese haven, invites you to stop by, take a tour, and enjoy...

Food with a view

Whether you’re kicking back with a cocktail or tucking into a hearty meal, a great view always enhances the moment....

In brief

Plogging and other Earth Day events A combination of jogging while picking up trash—who wouldn’t want to go plogging?...

In brief

Buzzer beater UVA heads to the Final Four in Minneapolis April 6 after a heart-stopping 80-75 win over Purdue’s...

Spirits on Water Street

A newly formed company—so new that it hasn’t gone public with its name yet—is looking to get into the spirits...

In brief

You say sunshine, we say FOIA Reporters know one of the greatest tools for keeping the public informed is FOIA—the...

Yes. Oui. Can! King Family...

Sommeliers may take offense, but canned wine is a booming business. In January, Crozet’s King Family Vineyards popped...

Not guilty

Garbage truck driver Dana Naylor was found not guilty for his involvement in a crash that made headlines last year,...

‘White hot

What a difference a decade makes. Ten years ago, the housing bubble had burst, the hottest area in real estate was...